Safely Removing Snakes – How Professional Removal Services Can Help


At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we are a full-service wildlife removal company specializing in snake control and removal.

There are many species of snakes in Missouri. While they are fascinating creatures, venomous snakes can be dangerous and pose a risk to humans and pets. When you discover a snake on your property, it’s essential to have it safely removed without causing harm to the animal or anyone nearby.

If you have a snake in your home or on your property that you want removed, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Call Titan Pest & Wildlife.

The Risks of DIY Snake Removal

Attempting to remove a snake yourself can be dangerous and should be avoided. Snakes can be aggressive when they feel threatened, and venomous snakes can pose a severe risk to your health. Additionally, removing a snake without proper training and equipment can be stressful for the animal, causing it to behave erratically and potentially attack.

Professional Snake Removal Services

When safely removing snakes, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Professional snake removal services have the necessary training, experience, and equipment to safely remove snakes from your property without causing harm to the animal or anyone nearby.

The Process of Professional Snake Removal

When you call a professional snake removal service, they will send a team of trained experts to your property. The team will first assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Depending on the situation, they may use tools such as snake tongs or snake hooks to capture the snake and remove it from your property safely.

Preventing Future Snake Infestations

After the snake has been safely removed, it’s essential to prevent future infestations. This can be done by eliminating potential sources of food, such as rodents or insects, which can attract snakes to your property. Additionally, it would be best to seal any cracks or openings in your home’s foundation or walls to prevent snakes from entering.

Contact Titan Pest & Wildlife

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we have the necessary training, experience, and equipment to safely remove snakes from your property and prevent future infestations. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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