Whether you own a home or run a business, it’s essential to protect your property from bed bugs this year.
As travel is expected to be in full force this holiday season, you can expect bed bugs will be too!
Whether you own a home or run a business, it’s essential to protect your property from bed bugs this year. One of the best ways to do this is to understand how bed bugs get there in the first place.

Bed Bugs Love to Travel
Bed bugs are hitchhikers and opportunists. Whether you’re traveling somewhere or friends and family are visiting, there’s a risk of coming in contact with them. Once you or your belongings are exposed, bed bugs can hitch a ride to your home and quickly become a full-blown infestation.
When traveling, it’s possible to pick them up unknowingly either in a hotel, on a plane, or from another type of public transportation. They can hitch a ride in your luggage, backpack, purse, or even on your person.
Having a house full of friends and family stay from out of town is fun, but remember, bed bugs love to hitchhike. A houseguest can unknowingly bring bed bugs from traveling in their luggage. College dorms are a known haven for these pests, so when students return home for the holidays or the summer, they may bring these unwanted house guests.
Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
The typical sign of having a bed bug infestation is finding specific bite marks on your body: three bites in a row. The bitten area will get red, itchy, swollen, and even blisters if sensitive to insect bites.
Other signs include:
- Bloodstains on sheets or pillowcases
- Dark or rusty spots on sheets or mattresses, and walls
- Fecal spots, eggs shells, or skin casts in areas where they hide
- Musty, offensive odor from their scent glands
Bed bugs are notoriously hard to eliminate, and DIY methods are typically ineffective. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, get in touch with a professional exterminator immediately.
Bed Bug Exterminator
No one wants to think about bed bugs this time of year. But don’t be surprised if travel brings you in contact with them. Remember that bed bugs multiply quickly, so detecting them early to prevent a more extensive infestation is essential.
Titan Pest & Wildlife follows an integrated approach that involves assessing the property, implementing solutions, and monitoring any bed bug problems that may re-emerge.