When Pests Won’t Leave: Reasons Behind Recurring Infestations

Pest Infestation Pest Control

Dealing with a recurring pest infestation is frustrating and challenging to handle. Call Titan Pest & Wildlife – we can help! When you discover a pest infestation, such as roaches or ants, you likely head to the hardware store for pest control supplies. These methods may work temporarily, but the infestation will return. Why won’t …

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What Kind of Plants Keep Insects Away?

Plants that Repel Insects

Regular pest management services are vital in keeping your home and property pest-free. But there are ways you can add another layer of protection. Insects play an essential part in the health of our ecosystem. However, while they may be beneficial in their natural environment, they are not welcome in our homes, crawling on our …

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Common Nuisance Wildlife You May Have Nesting In and Around Your Home

Pest Control Services KC

Don’t let nuisance wildlife cause damage to your home or property this spring! Winter is over, and most of us welcome the spring weather. However, the warmer weather brings the emergence of many types of wildlife. While many animals are a welcome sight, some can quickly become a nuisance and cause damage to homes and …

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Safely Removing Snakes – How Professional Removal Services Can Help

Snake Removal Pest Control

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we are a full-service wildlife removal company specializing in snake control and removal. There are many species of snakes in Missouri. While they are fascinating creatures, venomous snakes can be dangerous and pose a risk to humans and pets. When you discover a snake on your property, it’s essential to …

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Protect Your Home from Ants with Pest Control Services

Ant Exterminator St. Louis

Utilizing an integrated pest management program ensures we eliminate your current ant issue and prevent future outbreaks. Ants are small insects, but they can cause significant damage to your home and property. They can contaminate your food, ruin your plants, and even damage the structure of your house. Therefore, taking the necessary steps to protect …

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